Month: June 2024

  • How To Use A RAID Log

    Project management is simple when everything goes smoothly. But that’s not always the case. When things get rough, it’s important to document the changes that happen in the project. This can help your team track changes, learn from these challenges, and apply that information to the next project.

    In this article, we’ll explain what a RAID log is and why these logs are great tools to use for project management.

    What is a RAID log?

    A RAID log is a project management tool used to document any issues or problems that occur during an ongoing project. This tool is created during the project planning phase and used consistently throughout the project to document risks, actions, assumptions, issues, decisions and dependencies as the project progresses. In addition to tracking changes and increasing visibility, you can use this log during a post-mortem meeting to figure out how to prevent similar issues and challenges in future projects.